Monday 26 March 2007

losing sleep

i'm not usually one to rejoice in the loss of an hour sleep around daylight savings time.. but i was very much looking forward to putting the clocks forward last weekend...

on sunday i celebrated this abundance of daytime with penny and bonnie by descending the stairs into a dark and cavernous (literally!) wine bar named gordon's. gordon's is the oldest wine bar in london and is wonderfully pretentious and grungy at the same time. it's situated below street level in old cellars hacked into the rocks where water drips down the sides of the walls.. there are candles shoved into old wine bottles and everyone is drinking red wine and gorging on baguettes and big hunks of cheese. it is right up my alley..

when we emerged again into the daylight we headed off to the hogarth exhibition at the tate britain. we were quite tipsy which actually worked quite well as hogarth liked to enthusiastically illustrate the less glamorous aspects of drunkenness, sex and human morality in his work..

my new favourite game to play with my workmates is to try and work out what historical figures would be doing had they been born in modern times. we decided today that hogarth would probably be hosting a jerry springer type show as interested as he was with the underbelly of society... what a bunch of history nerds...

zoe and i also discovered a delicious dumpling house in chinatown so that combined with coming home from work while it's still light means that life in england is looking up!
a weary looking woman wraps up the dumplings in the window. i've always stopped and watched her whenever i walked past.. she is even quicker at it that my mum!


Blogger Nai said...

I can just imagine blind Englanders emerging into the warm embrace of daylight savings, blinking like moles in the sparkling light. There was enough sun in Hanoi this morning for me to want my sunglasses. This is the first time the clouds have broken, even momentarily, since I arrived. I'm dreaming of Adelaide's blue sky's and white (non-smog)clouds....

March 27, 2007 5:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah thanks for stealing our daylight savings Mel! Now I am waking up to eyeball burning sunlight and leaving work in the dark! Stupid New Zealand. At least I am smog free not like you and Nai! :)

March 27, 2007 8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am so glad you are making good use of your memebership at the tate!
as for those dumplings, they are so perfect! am sure they would have been delicious as they look, will have to speed up to compete?! no way....unless i have to make them for a living? may be....
keep on having fun and enjoy, the sun does shine over the other side of the globe!

March 29, 2007 2:19 am  

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